I am glad I completed this course. I learned a lot about antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship. I have improved my skills in the area. I want to congratulate other healthcare professionals who enrolled for this course and finished it.

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Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Course For Healthcare Providers
26 Lectures
10 hours

Strengthening One Health Strategies in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance - Workshop
1 Lecture
0 Hours

18 Lectures
0 Hours
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Global Antimicrobial Stewardship
Warm Welcome to the GLOBAL ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP COURSE 🙂 This course is designed to equip healthcare students and profes...
25 Lectures
0 Hours

Patient education on breast cancer - Beyond the basics.
19 Lectures
0 Hours
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One Health and AMR Exchange
0 Lectures
0 Hours
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OWANG Francis
Vanessa Denise Akello
I'm so glad to finish this course. There was a lot to learn, misconceptions to be corrected, and so much more. Thank you for the opportunity.
Marian Oparah
Hello, Oazis Health. It's been a long ride, and it was worth every step. Thank you for this value-packed course. I found it interesting, and helpful to me. I will educate those around me on the need to protect our health.
Ogundipe Olamide Grace
Good day, Oazis Health, thanks for this Antimicrobial Stewardship course, truly I was enlightened and I look forward to putting into practice of all that I have learned here.