Treatment and Survivorship Care Plans
Your healthcare team is dedicated to supporting your optimal health. Early diagnosis and following your treatment plan closely can lead to a complete recovery from breast cancer. Stay in regular contact with your provider during and after treatment to catch any complications or recurrence early. Once you finish treatment, it’s essential to talk to your oncologist regarding having a well-documented care plan. This plan will outline your check-up schedule, necessary tests, potential long-term side effects, and healthy living tips. This includes a written treatment plan and survivorship care plan as well.
Dealing with Stress
Breast cancer can cause stress and anxiety, making it hard to cope. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider for support. Various strategies can help, including building social support, counseling (psychotherapy), cognitive behavioral therapy, and physical activity (exercise). Social support can come from family members, friends, spiritual advisors, co-workers, supervisors, healthcare providers, mental health professionals, and others who have experienced cancer as well.